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1 · 1/22 · Introductions
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Overviewpeople about the class course structure expectations class websitetutorials others resources dFab Studio Lecture – historical context of digital revolutions Introduction to Grasshopperinterface overview connections to Rhino creating basic geometry
Readings Write: 100-200 word critical reflection on the readings – Due 1/28 midnight Tutorials Exercises Play! Explore the curve tools in Grasshopper, venturing out of that tab to the vectors, param, and beyond as needed. Create 4 definitions in one file. One with a minimum of 5 unique components, another with 10, then 15 and 20 Organize your definitions with tidy alignments, groups, labels Create images of your definitions and the results in Rhino and upload all your homework to your portfolio page.
2 · 1/29 · A→O · Cybernetics and Finding Form
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Lecture: Cybernetics and Art Editing Student Portfolio Page Studio Review Homework Generative Design Multiples Randomness Discuss Reading 4-6:45 pm Evening Session (S119): Create and play cybernetic games. Rules: In groups of 2 or 3 students, invent a cybernetic game that will test and evaluate the responses of the people who play it (spend no more than 30min writing the rules). Play the games (all students will play all games). Create a chart/mindmap to show how students behave in the company of other students and how they react in novel situations.
ReadingsGeorge A. Miller and Jennifer A. Selfridge “Verbal Context and Recall of Meaningful Material” 1949. dFab Plotter Manual Tutorials – introduction to data trees Exercises 2D geometry with multiples Follow the same guidelines as last week’s exercise, but add in multiples and transformation tools Write100-200 words expressing the hypothesis of game and observations of the process/experience and outcome of the game (due 02/04, midnight).
3 · 2/5 · A→O · Algorithmic Outputs
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StudioData Structures Plotter Demo Project I Work Time 4-6:45 pm Evening Session (S119)Guest Lecture: Jay Davies/Design of Experiments and Statistics
Readings:Jack Burnham, “Systems Esthetics” in Artforum , 1968 Carter T, Butts, “Revisiting the Foundations of Network Analysis.” Science , 2009 , 325 , 414-416. Optional: Stephen P. Borgatti, et al. “Network Analysis in Social Systems.” Science , 2009 , 323 , 892-895. Write: 100-200 word critical reflection on the readings – Due 2/11 (midnight)
4 · 2/12 · I → A→O · Converting the World into Data
in class
Creature-Maquette (320) 1964 Lygia Clark 1920-1988 Presented by the American Fund for the Tate Gallery 2012
Critique Lecture: Systems & Systems Aesthetics Reading discussion Studio: adding GH plugins importing data from Excel with TT Toolbox maps and social media with Mosquito
Readings Biczel, Dorota. “Cracking Open the Systems: Media, Materiality, and Agency in Teresa Burga’s Self-Portrait. Structure. Report. 9.6.1972.” Alter/nativas: Latin American Cultural Studies Journal 3 (Fall 2014) Stelarc, “Prosthetics, Robotics and Remote Existence: Postevolutionary Strategies.” Leonardo , Vol. 24, No. 5 (1991), pp. 591-595 Foucault, Michel, “Utopian Body” 1966 in Sensorium , ed. Caroline A. Jones, 2006 Write: 100-200 word reflection (due 2/18, midnight) TutorialsMosquito (download, right-click>>properties>>unblock, right-click>>extract all)build the mapping file as shown in the manual (Save and output GH and Rhino images for portfolio) explore example files, and modify them to use data inputs that are relevant to youGeo Tools Map Vectors Social Media Image Excelreview the demo file from class note the way we isolate the branches, items, and data types we are looking for examine the way the numerical data is re-mapped to create a full spectrum of color for the preview Graph Mapper Exercisefind a data set in an existing Excel file or paste data from another source into an new Excel spreadsheet import the data into GH isolate the data you want, if necessary scale the numerical values using remap and/or graph mapper create 3D geometry from this modified data set (Save and output GH and Rhino images for portfolio) Update your portfolio pagecomplete the bio area add links to your reading responses add the exercises from every week add project I Begin thinking about what type of data you would like to use for Project II and look at plugins on Food4Rhino that might be helpful
5 · 2/19 · I → A→O · Converting the World into Data
in class:
Lecture:Technologies of the Self Grasshopper review
6 · 2/26 · I → A→O · Making Data Actionable
in class
Project II work time 4-6:45pm Lecture: Information
7 · 3/4 · Designs for Different Futures
in class
Field trip to PhiladelphiaDesigns for Different Futures Exhibition – PMAdiscussion with artist/designer/curator, Okan Telhan ICA
Complete Project II Update Portfolio page
8 · 3/11 · Critique
in class
Update Portfolio Page – by Friday 3/13 Writing500 word PMA exhibition review – email to Margaret by 3/24 midnight response post to Being Material “Programming” talks – post by 3/24 midnight
9 · 3/18 · Spring Break
10 · 3/25 · Extended Break
11 · 4/1 · Reboot
prior to class
be sure that your Portfolio page has been updated be sure you have emailed your PMA essay to Margaret read Atlantic article on Complex Systems of the COVID-19 Crisis post a response, by Tuesday 3/31 Noon apply the categories “Response” and “COVID Complexity” read through your classmate’s responses download, install, and test Zoom review the Zoom links and guidelines page
in class
Full class meeting via Zoom 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST Personal check in with everyone Discuss objectives and methods for the remainder of the semester Review updated Syllabus Review available resources Discuss reading Research project overview Individual meetings with Ryan and Margaret 11:00-1:00sign up check in potential research topics
Readings Tutorials Research write a one paragraph proposal for your research project, email to Margaret by Tuesday night
12 · 4/8 · Galapagos
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Tutorials Exercises Work on Annotated Bibliography for Research paper (email to Margaret by 4/14, midnight) Read/watch and write a 100-200 word reflection on (post by 4/14, midnight)
13 · 4/15 · Making Custom Tools
in class
Tutorials (choose one)creating user objects GH Python (select the chapters relevant to your skill and interest) Exercises create a new GH tool and add it to the shared library naming:Category: A+A sub-category: your first name Check out this guide to G code on the Rep Rap siteread the intro and get a feel for the language Read and write a 100-200 reflection on: Additional reading from Science published this week:
14 · 4/22 · Output->Gcode
in class
Final Project (week 1 of 2) Week 1Use Galapagos and/or any combination of custom tools we created for the class library to create geometry convert the geometry to a 2D drawing that fits in a 6″ x 8″ box Week 2finalize geometry convert the drawing to Gcode send Gcode to Ryan Work on Research Paper
15 · 4/29 · Research Presentations, Part I
in class
Final Project (week 2 of 2) Use Galapagos and/or any combination of custom tools we created for the class library to create geometry convert the geometry to a 2D drawing that fits in a 5″ x 7″ box convert the drawing to Gcode Final Project Resources Complete research paper Update portfolio page
16 · 5/6 · Research Presentations, Part I
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