In his essay Prosthetics, Robotics and remote Existence: Postevolutionary Strategies, Stelarc combines a range of considerations on how the body can or should be modified through emerging technologies. He bases his argument on the idea of an “obsolete body” whose “lack of modular design” presents a problem for those who want to replace or add parts. Although his ideas of augmentations to the physical form may seem extreme, they aren’t really far off from devices which already exist and interface with the system of the human body. Modern medicine sees all kinds of joint replacements, implanting various metals and petroleum composites into the body, pacemakers pushing people’s hearts along, and skin grafts giving people a second chance after burns of other injuries. We’ve also developed technologies to grow and print tissue that the body will not reject, replacing damaged or removed extremities. What’s to say that these technologies will not be used in a proactive manner instead of a reactive manner in the near future? It seems a logical progression that as people see the value in these systems being built, they will want to use these technologies as a utility for increasing human efficiency. As far as his ideas on the immortal body I am just not sure if he has considered the full psychological implication of that utopia. Human emotions are based on a range of expected outcomes and it would be hard how living forever might alter how we perceive the world, we may lose our sense of purpose and urgency.