The game designed by my group was focused on examining choices people make in their day to day lives and how those choices can predict characteristics of how that person interacts socially. We asked participants a series of questions about a hypothetical day at mica, to see how they would choose to structure their day followed by a series of questions to evaluate their preparedness and social interaction. Regarding chronological structure, the majority of our classmates agreed on how they schedule their days. Seven out of seven choose the same answer for when they go to sleep and when they wake up for a 9 am class, and four out of seven, or almost 60% agreed that they don’t eat breakfast before class. Where it gets interesting is when we compare those answers to our later questions and find that people who identified as shy were more likely to eat breakfast, or that 100% of people who had less than 20% battery on their phone don’t eat breakfast. Obviously with so few people extrapolating any broader meaning would be a fallacy, but it is interesting to look at this in the context of our classroom community. The group with the memory game had a great idea going and they really sold it to the subjects that there was a fair game going on, when in reality it was rigged in one players favor, not sure what the other group was testing but I got a link to our class website so that was fun!